Everyday Leadership
Sandra Voyadzis Sandra Voyadzis

Everyday Leadership

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness that frightens us.” Marianne Williamson

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Flexing those self-management muscles
Sandra Voyadzis Sandra Voyadzis

Flexing those self-management muscles

While this pandemic just keeps going on, and especially if you’re with me in Houston, there seems to be no end right now, so trying to keep optimistic and hopeful for the future is really challenging. Is planning a complete waste of time? What can we do to stay sane and healthy? I’ve been hearing the expression that this is like a marathon, and it certainly feels like an Ultra.

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The Art of Badasserie
Sandra Voyadzis Sandra Voyadzis

The Art of Badasserie

The term Badass can have a bad rep, but what makes it so relevant today and powerful in its own sense? I set out to define what it means to me. I think it’s a fun word, that encapsulates a lot of emotional power.

There are 5 guiding principles to the art of badasserie. Adopting the first 4 can make you a badass, but the 5th element is really what makes it an art form.

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Busting The 3 Productivity Myths
Sandra Voyadzis Sandra Voyadzis

Busting The 3 Productivity Myths

The pain point highlighted by leaders in the last few weeks has been around productivity- how do we stay productive during a time when the boundaries between home and work are blurred.

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